Monday, December 29, 2008

4 days

Marty got a job in downtown OKC!! Its a really great job with a place called Skyline Ink (yes INK) they do a lot of 3d stuff and are in the conceptual stages of a short film so its a great career move for him! I'm so proud of him! 
We're moving out of our place on Friday. I was talking to the maintenance guy today and he said like 10 apartments are being vacated this month, our upstairs and next door neighbors have both moved out already. I think its just Payson, 30% of the population is over 65 here and it seems that most of the younger people are moving away. Also, most of the people our age have kids and have been divorced at least once. I'm sad that we're moving away from Marty's folks because they're great, but we really had to get away from here. 

I'm really excited, nervous, and scared about this move!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

This is getting interesting

I've got a job interview next friday, I'm pretty nervous and excited because I would really like to get this job. Marty is coming with me even though he doesn't have any interviews set up. Although, as we speak he is apply for a few jobs in the OKC area. 

It would be really awesome if we both found jobs at the same time, but if I had to choose I would rather Marty find a good job than myself, seeing as he makes a lot more money than I do. And if I got a job first I would have to move out to OKC by myself while he looks for jobs! I've been going pretty much crazy for the last few weeks about all of this. I'm really looking forward to it, but I know its going to be a huge pain to actually move hopefully my dad will be able to help us move so it won't destroy our savings.

I need a nap

Friday, December 5, 2008


Its Friday! I only had a 4 day week this week but Monday was spent driving for 12 hours so it wasn't very relaxing. I should really do some cleaning or something this weekend but I don't really feel like it. I'll try to make myself vacuum at least.

Marty and I are starting to gear up for our moving plan. Our lease is up at the end of December, so job hunting is beginning now... sort of. I'm thinking about packing up some of our stuff now, like summer clothes and books. Maybe I should get some of those vacuum bags for clothes, it'll probably wrinkle my clothes like crazy but maybe it would save some space. There's so much to think about!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Guess what!?

Its cold out! yaaaaay!

I've also come to the startling realization that I am a bitch... no, not startling, not very startling at least. I'm just the one who has to be the mean boss so I don't lose my damn job. I just don't get why someone thinks I'll bend the rules so they don't get fired when if I do I'd get fired. What is the thought process there? "Maybe she doesn't realize checking in a movie that's not really here would get her fired, and I could keep my job even though I'm a tard." Okay the tard part is a little out of line, but if you knew this piece of work (yes, piece of work) you would feel my pain. I guess blockbuster doesn't necessarily attract the best and brightest, although I do enjoy a few of the people there and feel that they shouldn't be working for blockbuster because they're far too educated and experienced to be re shelving movies and informing dirty old men that we do not carry porn.

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving! and once we get back from Colorado operation Move Back to Oklahoma (I'm open to different names) goes into full effect!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Why is it 76 degrees outside? Its November, it should be all cold out, possibly even snowing! I miss my scarves and pea coat

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am speechless with pride in my presdent-elect and my fellow americans.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

computer literacy

I just had a patron ask me 'what is the easiest way to get to ebay?" This is the same person who last week was mystifyed as to 'how to find the google' or what the internet even was.

Sometimes I get the old people that want me to do all their interneting for them. I understand that they didn't grow up with computers, but it doesn't take a lot to get the hang of it. Marty's 84 year old grandfather knows how to use the internet and has his own computer! my granparents are all in their 70s and they can all use the internet. Astounding! I know some old people don't want to bother with learning about computers, but if you don't want to learn don't come asking me to find the internets for you.

This state is like one giant retirement community.


So I went to the doctor yesterday about my cough and it turns out, I'm just allergic to everything in Arizona. So now I'm on Nasonex (the stuff Antonio Banderas the bee advertises) and so far its not helping. At all. They also did something horrifically gross to me. Apparently I had some 'buildup' in one of my ears (only one though) so they irrigated my damn ear! It was so awful. They took a syringe of what smelled like vinegar and water and shot it into my ear (which hurt like crazy) then went into my ear with little plastic hook things. I don't know what the nurse was doing because they said that it normally didn't hurt and my ear still hurts today! And I can't hear out of my right ear now, so try to talk into my good ear.

I also hate when they weigh me. I almost gained back all the weight I lost this summer. Looks like I'll be dusting off my Wii Fit.

Monday, October 27, 2008


This weeked Marty and I went to Phoenix/Scottsdale. I got to eat at my all time favorite restaurant Carrabba's! We Also went to this awesome used bookstore called bookman's (its a little like hasting's or vintage stock but much bigger and everything is used) And bought a lot of books! Sadly the point of the trip was to get rid of a lot of our books by selling them too bookman's and I think we ended up taking home more than we brought to trade.

In other news, Marty and I have been discussing our options and are considering a move back to Oklahoma quite seriously. Marty would have to find a job first but I'm optimistic about the idea, and am hoping to move back by spring so I can enjoy all the Oklahoman allergens. We're going to have to wait and see!

While we were in Phoenix I saw a lot of Obama signs and bumber stickers, it made me quite happy to see other Obama supporters here in Mccain's 'home' state.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Conceding the point

I have a wicked cough. I'm still fighting it internally and mentally. I read (on webmd) that some women say that if the refuse to believe they're getting sick they don't. So, white blood cells, please calm down, everything is fine we're not sick. Maybe do something productive like make my nails grow faster and be stronger, okay? thanks.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Case of the Tuesdays

I am not a fan of Tuesdays.

days of the week in order of hate
(one being most hate seven being less hate)
1. Tuesday
2. Wednesday
3. Monday
4. Thursday
5. Sunday
6. Friday
7. Saturday

Thursday and Sunday almost tied. Sunday is good because its the weekend but the next day is Monday which means work and/or school. Then you have Thursday, you're at work and/or school but you know the next day is Friday which leads to to the best day Saturday.

Monday is #3 because I work at blockbuster on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

I have a blog

Okay, so first off I must admit I stole the idea to have my very own blog from my friend stacy!
That's her blog, I enjoy it immensly.

Anyway, my blog will probably be about my day job at the library (gila county communtity college) and various other daily happenings. So, I'll tell you a few things about where I work and live to illustrate your mental picture of my life. I live in Payson Arizona, if you've never heard of payson then I envy you. Payson have somewhere between 13,000 and 20,000 residents, the majority of whom are over the age of 65. During the day I work in the library at a small community college. Two nights a week (and sometimes Sat. morning) I work at Blockbuster, my own personal hell.